Tuesday, February 11, 2014

say hello to hello lovely.

hello my lovelies,

It is 2014 & it is time. Over the past few years since staying home with my little baby boys I have been doing on-location wedding hair. Each year it has grown little by little & all by word of mouth. It is now time that I take it into my own hands & push myself harder! The boys are getting older & need their momma less & less (tear) so I think it's acceptable for me to give a little more of myself to my creative outlet. So without further adieu, this is the start of hello lovely. I've put together some of my work so you can catch of glimpse of what I've been up to behind the scenes & pass on the word to your friends, that I am ready to throw myself into what I've always loved doing - making already pretty ladies feel glamorous!


 Beautiful late October wedding, Isn't the bride just stunning?

oh my word, her dress was breathtaking.

another gorgeous brunette bride!

That little princess knew exactly what she wanted, & she wanted a big bump! 

i adore this classic look. 

i thought it was appropriate to finish with my beautiful best friend <3 

Contact me with any questions on availability or pricing for your big day! 
Stay Lovely.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


hiya lovelies,

   It's been awhile. Lots of chaos in this lovely life. I'm not the type to air the dirty laundry so you'll have to remain guessing while I keep moving toward utter happiness.

   Oddly enough, this song popped on the radio today. I hadn't heard it in quite some time & I think it has a special meaning for me right now. Everything happens for a reason & every little sign pops up to give you inspiration to keep moving forward. All I can do is keep taking steps in the right direction. 

      I'm young & there is so much potential for the rest of my life. Though things seem like a jumbled mess right now, this too shall pass (that is the only quote I ever thought about having tattooed on my body). There have been many times in my life that I needed that lovely reminder. 

     God has an outrageous plan for me & waking up every day reminding myself of that is the only way I can continue on this beautiful road called life. He has asked me to wait patiently to reveal his great plan & all I can do is trust in that. 

Stay Lovely.

back in business.

Hello my dearest lovelies,
It has be sooo long since I've seen this lovely blank sheet of blog internet paper! My overly long hiatus consisted of nothing. There is no reason I wasn't blogging, I think I'd just call it laziness, or lack of words? or, maybe, I was putting my efforts into other things! yeah, we'll go with that. Since we last spoke, I've spend a lot of time behind the camera lens which I must say, makes me ridiculously happy. Not only that, I've usually had some kind of tool in my hand whether it be my camera, a marker, a captain america shield, a curling iron, a diaper, or knitting needles. Let just say I've stayed busy but now it's time to get back to blogging business. Over here at blogger.com, I can show off my talents & maybe even spark some outside interest. so, You wanna see what I've been up to? No, Okay. Too bad.

First & foremost, I've been mommy to these two balls of terror & joy! They manage to keep me sane & insane all at once. How is that possible you ask? Only the Lord knows.

oh yeah, & they light up my life!

& I did some wedding hair! 

& shot some photos! ( i'll have a separate post to show my work)

& worked on my calligraphy!


& my knitting! ( first project ever) 

oh & not to mention, went to california with my momma for my cousin's wedding in palm springs! it was just at frank sinatra's house. nbd! 

So, as you can see, this girl has kept her little hands busy. As Lee Ann Rimes says so eloquently in this video, "Momma says, idle hands are the devils handiwork" so I like to keep myself overachieving!

Keep Busy & Stay Lovely!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

do as i do.

Hola lovers,

  This post should have been written yesterday but when you're busy rockin' the world with two little handsome men, seconds alone are few & far between. While driving to visit a stellar friend at her city view pool yesterday, I had a breakthrough. Judeman, the Duck, & I were bouncing to some Mumford & Sons, I looked in my rear view mirror to see that both of my boys were mimicking me. I had my hand out the window tapping the side of the car to the music & at that second it hit me. These kids are my clones. They watch every move I make. They will do whatever I do. They will love like I do. They will find happiness if I do. They will fight to be the best they can be every single moment... if I do. So here I am, pushing through struggles & I will overcome & because of that, they will too & that feels good. 

there's my little man mimicking mommy.

(via pinterest)

It's truly as simple as that. As I sit around & complicate things, the truth is all there slapping me in the face. Be happy, Carly & your kids will be too. They will face so much in this world, it's inevitable & if they learn from you that happiness is key then you, in turn, are a successful mother. They will never long for love, or attention, or discipline, or joy. It will all be instilled in them by their happy mother. 

Short insightful post for today! writing things like that down helps keep myself accountable for staying happy despite the battles. Now, off to meet the newest edition to our circle of friends, little baby Derek Thomas Schueler! this momma can't wait to get my hands on him & my camera into his little face!

Stay Lovely despite all struggles.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

never ever ever

hola lovelies!

since i am what you would call a suckaaa for my buff, katie girl, i am doing this post per her request! so here goes nothing..

{ things you will never evaah hear outta this mouth}

+ " jude, you are listening to every word i said"
+ " no, i don't want to go home to cincinnati this weekend"
+ " sorry, i don't have my camera with me"
+ " no, i don't want to help you" 
+ " i think i'm going to be underdressed"
+ " i don't care if it doesn't match"
+ " i think i over planned that"
+ " i'll just go out like this, i don't need to get ready"
+ " i'd rather have a miller lite"
+ " i don't want to go for a run"
+ " i want to change the diaper genie this time"
+ " i want to share a blanket"
+ " i hate the sun on my face"
+ " i think i'll pass on the starbuck's very berry hibiscus refresher"
+ " i'm tanner than you"
+ " no, you don't need to iron that"
+ " i think my finger nails look better with no polish"
+ " flowers are a waste of money"
+ " i think i'd rather sit at home alone instead of have friends over"
+ " jude & declan, i'd rather not read you a story tonight"
+ " nah, i don't have OCD"
+ " i have too many dresses"
+ " my whole life doesn't revolve around my kiddies"

i could go on & on for like evahhh but i'll keep things a little bit mysterious! Hope everyone has a wonderful week :) 


Thursday, April 25, 2013

for safe keeping.

It's been almost a month since my brother & sister in law, Phil & Megan tied the knot. Wow! Time flies. I just wanted to post my speech for safe keeping & also so I can reminisce about their special day!  

Matron of Honor Speech

Hi everyone, First off congratulations to the bride and groom and thank all of you for being here to help celebrate this happy occasion. Thanks to Megan's parents, Mark & Beth, & Missy & Steve, for hosting this beautiful wedding & Phil's parents, Ken & Vickie for the amazing rehearsal dinner.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Carly Kipp. Kevin's wife, & Phil & Megan's sister in law! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have 3 big brothers & when i married Kevin, I inherited yet another big brother in Phil. I was never the little girl who wished for younger siblings. I've always been the baby & I'm pretty darn good at it. So now, everything has changed, & today, it is official.  I have a BABY SISTER! I always imagined hating this but I was wrong.  I now have a friend forever. A friend with such a kind heart, sweet disposition, a sensitive soul, a little bit of sass & my gosh, you look absolutely radiant tonight! Megan, I am so honored to be by your side as you start the next phase of your life as a Kipp.  I will always be your sister & friend, & I will be right here holding your hand as you & Phil hit many of life's big milestones. I will be here through anniversaries, new homes, & as you bring beautiful babies into the world. I promise to always play with your hair, paint your nails, tell you if an outfit looks okay, and answer my phone when your future babies have been up all night screaming & you can't figure out why. You forever have a sister in me & I thank God everyday for blessing me with you. 

Phil, I can't decide if I should take this time to thank you or curse you. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have met Kevin but I also wouldn't have my 2 amazing kids & I wouldn't be standing here tonight so I think I should Thank you. Thank you for being a good friend, a loyal brother to Kevin & I, a wonderful uncle to my children, and an adoring husband to Megan. I do have a one request from you. Tonight, I ask you never to steal, lie or cheat, but if you must steal, steal away Megan's sorrows. and if you must lie, lie with her all the nights of your life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because she couldn't live one day with you! 

When I look at the Phil & Megan, I feel such a whirlwind of emotions. I know that the two of you have found your true match in each other. Separately, you are two special, remarkable people, but together you are complete. You two truly are a team. My heart is bursting with love for you two today. I know you have a wonderful adventure ahead of you.  My wish for you is that the happiness surrounding you today will be there for many years to come. On this roller coaster of life, remember to scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loops, and enjoy every twist and turn.

Now before I finish, I have just one more thing I want you to do, Your wedding day is one the seems to fly by. Its a day filled with emotion, friends, rings, and dances. Many people remember how fast their own wedding day went so I want you to take a few seconds to look into each others eyes & think about the happiness that you're feeling in this moment. Really let that feeling sink in. Now, i want you to think about your life together in twenty years. where are you? what are you doing? We all know that your visions of the future are not identical, but always complimentary. John Lennon once said, " a dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together, THAT is a reality." That new reality starts now.

Now everyone raise their glasses! Here's to love, laughter, & happily ever after! CHEERS!  

Monday, April 22, 2013

highlight of my day.

I've been having rough couple of days but there's always something to give you a little ray of sunshine! wanna see mine?

oh come on, i know you do!

StayLovely like this little sweetheart.